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A fishing line cast into the water is where I start, hopefully should I make a catch I'll be off to the market to offer my goods.
I am a place of darkness, usually created by man, my purpose is to connect people.
Shaped like a candy cane, I can assure you I'm not for eating. Although, you put me in your mouth, what am I?
I was once someone's house, now I'm simply a collectible.
I come from the shore, but my journey does not end here, for I'll be washed, cleaned, layered, and more; If I should survive to the end, I'll possess the knowledge of a thousand men.
I only see you when you need me, and until then, I wait in the dark with my friends, hoping you won't need me.
Think of a month and subtract 2, for the word I'm thinking of is part of the clue. Now think back to yesterday and subtract 6; put them together and you may answer this.
With a swing of my sword, it could go either way; if I lose concentration, it'll be a long day.
You could use me as a weapon, although I was designed to transfer thermal energy. What am I?
I'm perfect in every way, and for the right price, you can have me too. Whether you buy the house or my pet horse, now just add a QC.
I'll go where others may not dare, for when I close my eyes and begin to descend, my only concern is the air.
I exist, but not in this place; the deeper I proceed, the more I embrace. Where am I?
A fishing line cast into the water is where I start, hopefully should I make a catch I'll be off to the market to offer my goods.