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Take away one letter at a time and you can always make a word. Take four at once and you LOSE. Leave all the letters there and you'll rue it.
See me, and you see nothing. Take a letter away and you have nothing.
Cards, copycats, and CEOs. What do they have in common?
Start with a six-letter word. Tack on a contraction and it looks for answers on its own, or tack on a conjuction and it will investigate only what is right in front of it. The former is alive, while the latter is inanimate. What is the six-letter word?
I have a metaphor bag. It contains a needle, a magnet, and the news. Did I lose you?
Green ice draws Finn's ire.
I have a metaphor bag. It contains bacon drippings, a small amount of turkey, some waffles, and a boot. Hungry?
I have a metaphor bag. It contains a cannonball, a hammer, and a spear. Discuss. ( _____ _____ )
I have a metaphor bag. It contains a space heater, a marble, some loose sand, and several gods. Delicious.
Photos, farmers, and equine motivation. What do they have in common?
Food, finales, and winnings. What do they have in common?
Start with a conjunction. Add a letter to find it underground. Add a letter when you drop that on your foot. Add a letter and get some aspirin there. Drop a letter and you actually hurt yourself more than you thought. Drop another letter and they have to remove this. Drop another and end with a preposition. Combine and unscramble the start and the end to find the cause of your problem.
Take away one letter at a time and you can always make a word. Take four at once and you LOSE. Leave all the letters there and you'll rue it.