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What is there one of in every corner and two of in every room?
What loses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?
What can fill up a room, but takes up no space?
My life lasts a few hours and my job is complete when I die. I’m quick when I’m thin, and slow when I’m fat. A breath will stop me in my tracks.
What goes up the chimney down, but not down the chimney up?
What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
I can go up a chimney down, but I can’t go down a chimney up. What am I?
I'm full of keys but can't open any locks, I have space but no room for socks. I travel far without moving an inch, In me, you'll find stories that never flinch.
If you look at the numbers on my face, you won't find 13 anyplace.
The man who makes it doesn't use it. The man who uses it doesn't know it. The man who buys it doesn't want it. What is it?
I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
What's harder to catch the faster you run?
What is there one of in every corner and two of in every room?